What is Six Sigma?
The Six Sigma approach identifies and eliminates defects with a structured, data-driven, problem-solving method of using rigorous data-gathering and statistical analysis. The statistical representation of Six Sigma describes quantitatively how a process is performing. To achieve Six Sigma, a process must not produce more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities. A Six Sigma defect is defined as anything outside of customer specifications.
Six Sigma differs from traditional quality improvement programs in its focus on input variables. While traditional process improvement methods depend upon measuring outputs and establishing control plans to shield customers from organizational defects, a Six Sigma program demands that problems be addressed at the input root cause level, thereby eliminating the need for unnecessary inspection and rework processes.
Leadership Commitment
Achieving Six Sigma is not easy it requires serious commitment in the form of time, effort, and resources. For a company to be successful, such commitment must come first from the top executive leadership of the organization and must be practiced by everyone.
Managing Decisions with Data
It is not enough to run a business based on one's experience or "tribal knowledge." Decisions must be based on data versus the typical "I think", "I feel", or "In my opinion" practices that often exist today. With the maturation of the information economy, data is available to virtually everyone in the organization, along with the tools for analyzing that data. Properly using data to Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control performance forms the foundation of the Six Sigma methodology.
Training and Cultural Change
Improved performance does not and will not happen automatically. High-caliber training is required. Disciplined implementation must follow, and people at all levels have to change the way they go about doing their jobs. In short, new ways of thinking, communicating, and operating must pervade the entire organization. You also need a methodology. DMAIC and DFSS provide a structured problem solving roadmap and tools towards obtaining the results you expect.
Full Six Sigma Deployment
The core elements of implementing Six Sigma training for Black Belts, Green Belts, Yellow Belts, Ground School, Master Black Belt, Leading Six Sigma, RADD and Senior Executive Six Sigma to deliver Six Sigma skills throughout your organization.
Black Belt Certification Options
The Black Belt is a key change agent for the Six Sigma process. Typically the "best of the best," these individuals lead teams working on chronic issues that are negatively impacting the company’s performance.
Champion Training
The Champion will acquire the skills and tools to select projects, implement improvements, execute control, and alleviate roadblocks to success in the deployment of Six Sigma.
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) is a rigorous approach to designing products and services to meet customer expectations.
Green Belt Training
This course is designed to enhance technical problem solving skills in line managers. Participants will successfully complete a project while completing the classroom portion of the training.
Master Black Belt (MBB)
As a leader, the MBB will have responsibility for overseeing projects with multiple Black Belt and Green Belt participation that will significantly change the way the organization does business.